A Message from the Foundation President
Fellow Nebraskans,
It is my distinct honor to serve, along with Governor Jim Pillen, as the Chair of the Nebraskaland Foundation Board of Directors. As Nebraska’s state song eloquently says: “we are so proud of this land where we live, there is no place that has so much to give.”
The Nebraskaland Foundation has proudly hosted 40 Statehood Day Dinners in the gorgeous Nebraska Capitol. In 2023, we celebrated Nebraska’s 156th year of Statehood. Quite a lot of history has gone into those 156 years – and many peoples and cultures have played a role in helping our state become what it is today. Our role as a foundation is to celebrate all of that, and to help educate Nebraskans and visitors about how wonderful this place really is.
Throughout the year, we recognize outstanding new or growing attractions that are making remarkable contributions to the state. At our Statehood Dinner, we celebrate remarkable individuals who have made an incredible impact on the State of Nebraska and throughout the world. Our foundation also supports youth educational opportunities like Nebraska History Day and a number of contests and events at the Nebraska State Fair.
If you have ideas that would support involvement from the Nebraskaland Foundation, or you know of people, places or things we should celebrate, let us know! Use the Contact Form at the bottom of the page to get in touch. We love learning more about Nebraska and the wonderful people who live in this “Beautiful Nebraskaland”.
Katie W. Zulkoski, President
The NEBRASKAland Foundation